Gift Card

Gift card Book

Erlend Ekeland, Oppdal Safari

Buy a gift card for a personal guide for one or more days, or maybe rent a canoe? The guides in Oppdal Safari have years of practice in tailormaking nature experiences and promise that they will always do their best to give you an unforgettable tour here with us. Surrounded by national parks and wild nature, Oppdal was designed for outdoor adventures. The gift cards can be ordered for our musk ox safaris, moose safaris and bird watching safaris as well as our multi-day camping trips and fishing trips. The private guided tours is a all year activity. You can also choose to join one of our daily, public musk ox safaris in summer season. If you have any questions about any of our products, please feel free to call us or send us an email.

Good solid shoes, clothing according to season and weather forecast. Rquipment list for all personal/private tours will be emailed you in advance. Remember the weather can be changing fast in the mountains.

We offer one day and multi day safaris

Meeting point
Oppdal Railway station or other place upon agreement.

All year

Suitable for
Single persons, families, groups of friends, work colleagues, adventure seekers. We take your physical fitness and your preferences into consideration when planning the tour. For personal guided trips maximum number of participants is quoted on every product